понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Riahapos;s strange growth on her side is a kind of fluid buildup from the torn muscles where she was hit. Itapos;s nothing serious at all. She just getapos;s to look even more like a mutant than usual for a few weeks.

Kind of like a costume piece for Halloween. Yay

Dad is breathing a lot better, and his spirits are way up. So it looks like we will be getting him out of that place very soon.

All in all, things seem be turning for the better.

... Which is why I am looking for the meteor to come crashing into Earth any minute.

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exalted stormwind

I accidentally ended up watchign an episode of House because it came on after Law Order and I think I may have to watch it all the time now. The episode has to do with a couple that get really sick and it turns out they may be half brother/sister or some shit. Pretty crazy. And the dude that plays House is such a fucktard that I may love him a little. I have needed some new shows in my life but I didnt need another series to get hooked on.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Its been a freaking while, huh?
I finally brought myself to dump Charlie.
Our relationship had practically been over for months already.
I had basically left him with the intention of dating a boy who lives in tennessee.
But then, I had an epiphany.
Mostly thanks to my motherapos;s behavior,
And a co-workerapos;s note about how she and I are so alike.
While I am still young,
and before I get married and have kids,
I need to live my life a bit more.
I need to stop rushing into relationships where I try to settle down.
I donapos;t know exactly what this leaves for me.
Because I donapos;t think I have the ability to just casually date.
This morning I broke it off with my tn boy.
I knew that if I didnapos;t hurt him now,
I would hurt him a lot worse later.
And, Iapos;m not gonna lie.
I have got myself a crush.
I donapos;t know what will come of it.
But I am really hoping a close friendship will form.
And that lots of snuggling will occur.
Lots and lots.
And lots.
Oh, and tattooing.
I draw a mean nautical star :p
I was in a car that was going over 100 mph last night for the first time in my life.
It was fucking fantastic.
That is a sure sign I know I am getting wilder.
At least a little.
I need more fu/excitement in my life.
There has always been a complete lack of that.
I have always been such a goody two shoes.
So responsible.
So much stress.
I need a break.
I am going to try.
Weapos;ll see how it goes.
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I would like to extend a big thank-you to all of the wonderful parents who drove us both to and from the Weaselhead Conservation area and stayed with us to enjoy the fabulous weather. We couldnapos;t do these things without you. For those of you who did not get to join us, do not lose heart, we will have more field trips later in the year, that Iapos;m sure you wonapos;t want to miss.

Please complete your apos;Walk in the Weaselheadapos; booklets as well as the green booklets dealing with tree growth for Monday.

There is a great web site - Wonderville - interactive activities - The Tree Game. We played with this site last week but students may want to review it when they are completing their homework.

Thank you for all of your math projects. I look forward to reading them to see what you have learned.

There are also some wonderful math web sites that the students can use to build their skills. The illuminations web site has the Factor Game ( along with a few others) which develops some of the skills that we are presently working on. If you have some time on your hands, these interactive games can be both fun and a great learning experience. I know; I know you just canapos;t have enough math fun

Grade 6 students should complete the factors and multiples sheet for next Thursday, since we will be having a few interruptions.

Grade 7 math students are encouraged to bring in at least one example of something that illustrates a fraction. This may not happen until next Thursday or Friday.

On Thursday Oct. 23rd there will be a dance for the mid-school students in the afternoon. Alternate activities will be available for those who do not wish to attend the dance.
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Due to have started college, I now have to walk home from the bus stop, which takes 15 minutes. Itapos;s very tiring - but lets face it, I need the exercise Youapos;re probably thinking, what the hell? Thatapos;s NOTHING, but to be who is a stranger to exercise, itapos;s a long time. And itapos;s a good time to just walk and think about random stuff, a time to be alone with no distractions, and I recommend it to everyone But what I noticed today, and have been noticing increasingly, is when I leave early, the streets are deserted, but the roads are so busy The people see me walking and stare, so at first I figured they were shocked to see a size 12/14 walking, but someone mentioned to me that they were tired of people staring at them when they were walking.
So why is it that walking is so shocking? It was a warm day, I was wearing a thin sweater, a pair of jeans and pumps and I was warm enough, so that canapos;t be a reason.
Iapos;ve come to the conclusion that the idea of walking somewhere is so strange to these people, when a car is so much more easy. Surely I must be insane? No, Iapos;m just happy to walk, after all why further pollute the world?I donapos;t think this occurred to them. How much money must these people spend on petrol each day? Now, Iapos;m not looking down on them - the minute I get my driving license I will be zooming everywhere (though in a bright green KA). But until then, I will tredge along through the winter.
However, this week I have been thinking about why these people stare as if Iapos;m crazy, why do they honestly think I shouldapos;ve got a taxi? So Iapos;ve been thinking more deeply about it, and I now see how it is a mirror image of our society. How lazy we have become, and how we will take the shortest route possible, even if we miss the best things in life. One thing I see, that these warm people in their cars donapos;t see, is the playground I walk past each day. Due to finishing fairly early, I see children playing in the park, wearing more and more layers, and their smiles are brighter than any car headlights. So keep your cars, Iapos;d rather walk.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m going to go ahead and give my blessing to my wife to quit her job.

Sheapos;s been pretty miserable there for the last couple of months, and she called me today, sounding absolutely defeated. Itapos;s been getting worse and worse for her over the last couple of months, thanks to one supervisor thatapos;s got it in for her. Iapos;ve been encouraging her to stick it out, itapos;s bound to get better. But it hasnapos;t. I also thought she should keep her job just for the sake of earning us some money, but the money sheapos;s making there isnapos;t worth the stress sheapos;s been under.

Itapos;s too bad. Her job has the potnential to do actual good for the county. Itapos;s a shame her supervisor is a spineless puppet of one of the higher-ups there and isnapos;t standing up for the good job Angieapos;s doing.

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Amn bumm says, "that oneapos;s mobex". "mobex has already checked out trucks?". Amn vehicles says, "..yeah". Sgt man stands for a minute and says, "okay" with defeat and walks away.

This is an all day thing. I have to restart my computer but once I get back, itapos;s on again.

I got a flu mist today. I�blew my nose a little later in hopes to get it out but weapos;ll see. Iapos;ve heard people always get sick after their flu mist. Ironic eh?

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