понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

caravan isle park wight

Kate and Ryan saw Jimmy Fallon at RIT Saturday night.� Robert is visiting Dennis in Chicago, they saw the main stage show at Second City, last night.� Saturday night I came across an ad for a Josh Blue show in Buffalo, last night.� I didnapos;t want to go to a show in Allentown alone and all the people I would normal expect to enjoy that show were out of town.� I thought that Dennis the Younger normally had Sunday plans, but I asked, just in case.� He was available� So Dennis the Younger and I saw Josh Blue last night.�� I love spending time with all my kids but simply by virtue of the fact that Dennis doesnapos;t live with me, I donapos;t see him as often as the others.

Kristen Becker opened for Josh.� Iapos;ve never seen her in person before, canapos;t remember where I have seen her, YouTube, maybe....� Sheapos;s polished enough but I had pretty much heard her material before.� I wouldnapos;t go out of my way to see her again.

Josh on the other hand I like a lot.� From the beginning he reminds me of someone who would have been a regular at my motherapos;s house.� I can easily see him at her kitchen table or sitting around the pool with a beer.� George Carlin is another in that catagory. I find Josh� so damn funny that I wished heapos;d repeat some of his material.� I wish Dennis could have heard about Josh hailing a cab.

Josh had T-shirts, CDs and DVDs for sale afterward but since I bought the tickets to Joshapos;s show and tickets for Second City, Toronto yesterday, I had already spend $200. On comedy in one day.� Thatapos;s a new record for me.� If McCain wins the election and privatizes health insurance, Iapos;m going to need every penny...� Besides, Iapos;m thinking at 56 I maybe getting too mature for graphic Tapos;s.

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